Breaking the Hot Link Between a Graph and its Source Data
You may want to break the hot link between an existing graph and its source data if you want to continue changing the source data but not the graph.
After the hot link between a graph and its source data is broken, it cannot be re-established. Changes you make in the data window after the hot link is broken are not reflected in the graph.
Step 1
Double-click a graph frame or select a graph and choose Graph Frame from the Graph Attributes submenu (Graph menu).
Step 2
In the Graph Frame Attributes dialog, turn off the Hot Linked Data check box.
A message warns you that once the hot link is broken, it cannot be re-established and asks if you want to proceed.
Step 3
Click Yes to break the hot link.
The Hot Linked Data check box is turned off.
• Click No to save the hot link.
Step 4
Click OK to exit the dialog.
The graph is no longer hot linked to the source data.
• If you break a hot link and change your mind before you click OK, click Cancel to save the hot link and exit the dialog.